GyDB People is a scientific social network for GyDB registered users. The website is organized in several tabs that enable users, among other things, to:
This Help describes how to manage these tabs.
This tab shows the registered users list. Individual profile pages can be browsed by clicking on a user name from the list. If you want to add any user to your network simply click on “Add to my network” under the user’s picture whithin his/her profile. The concerned user/s will be notified of your request via email and joined to your network only after their approval. Each user’s current status is displayed below his/her name on the list. Clicking on “Online”/“Offline” you can open a private chat; offline users have their messages queued and will receive them when connected. You can search for a specific registered user at GyDB through the search bar at the top of the tab. Moreover, clicking on “Network”, you can restrict your search to users of your personal network. To return to the general search mode, click on “People”.
This tab consists of five editable sections describing your user profile: “Basic information”, “About me”, “Selected publications”, “My presentation” and “My curriculum vitae”. All information introduced in this tab is available to any researcher browsing the GyDB (including unregistered users). Each section can be edited by clicking on “Edit”. Changes on each section will only be saved after clicking the “Submit” button; otherwise, select “Close” and no changes will be saved.
This space is dedicated to facilitate public or private chat among online users.
Note: a private chat room disappears as soon as all users leave it.
A blog where users can write their opinions, comments, projects, etc. To post a new entry click on “Create new” and a text editor will be shown where you can write and give format to your text, add images, etc. You can assign a title and a category and decide whether to make it publicly available. Keeping your posts private is useful to save unfinished ones for later publication.
This tab is an area for the public interchange of comments among users. For reading and writing a comment enter the “Wall” tab of another user and leave him/her a comment.
Upload and publish images with comments to a personal image gallery visible to all registered users.
This tab stores sent and received messages with other GyDB People users. To send a message, go to the personal profile of the user you want to contact with and click on the “Send private message” tab. Then fill out the subject, write your message and select “Submit”.
In this tab you can purchase and check the subscription status of your premium services. Premium services are
In this tab you can manage several options for receiving email notifications, register other colleagues under your supervision in GyDB, and decide if they will be allowed to act as editors or reviewers of their submitted data, and you can see a list of their unreviewed pages.
Use this button to show () or hide (
) the top and side menus of GyDB website.
A note on privacy: users can make their data available to other users only if “Public” is checked in each section. Otherwise all data remains private by default. You may uncheck “Public” if you wish to unpublish your data.
Llorens, C., Futami, R., Covelli, L., Dominguez-Escriba, L., Viu, J.M., Tamarit, D., Aguilar-Rodriguez, J. Vicente-Ripolles, M., Fuster, G., Bernet, G.P., Maumus, F., Munoz-Pomer, A., Sempere, J.M., LaTorre, A., Moya, A. (2011) The Gypsy Database (GyDB) of Mobile Genetic Elements: Release 2.0 Nucleic Acids Research (NARESE) 39 (suppl 1): D70-D74 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq1061